Yael Frankel em letras!

Yael Frankel, escritora e ilustradora de livros infantis, nasceu na maravilhosa cidade de Buenos Aires, na Argentina.
Os seus livros estão publicados na Argentina, Colômbia, Chile, Espanha, Itália, França, Suíça, China, Coreia do Sul e Portugal. Artista multi premiada internacionalmente (The White Ravens, Prémios Ragazzi Bolonha, ALIJA IBBY, Festival de Literatura Infantil de Xarja), é presença assídua em exposições e palestras com as suas obras e visão tão única do mundo.
Para a Upa editora escreveu e ilustrou o livro "Sobre Rodas"!
1. Y is for… yogur
2. A is for… abanico
3. E is for… esquina
4. L is for… lana
5. Car or bike? Both
6. Frog or prince? Frog!
7. Winter or Summer? Winter winter winter winter
8. Gelato or gelato? Helado :)
9. How did "Sobre Rodas" come up?
The publisher house asked me to make a boardbook about everything that has wheels.
10. What techniques did you use to illustrate this book?
Digital collage.
11. How does your process change from book to book?
It always does! I love to try different techniques in every new book.
12. What are you working on now? Anything you can show us?
I'm working on 3 books at the same time. One of them is a song by an Argentinian artist, I'm illustrating it. Its name is FLORES Y SOLES. Other one is a poem by Jacques Prévert. I am doing something different with this one: instead of a standard picturebook, it will come as a box with postcards inside. And the 3rd one is a kind of notebook fro illustrators (with several drawing excercises and some notes about doing books for children).